
A list of my publications. May not be updated regularly, refer to my Google Scholar profile for a more frequently updated source.


  1. koopman_brs.png
    Koopman-Inspired Implicit Backward Reachable Sets for Unknown Nonlinear Systems
    Haldun Balim, Antoine Aspeel, Zexiang Liu, and Necmiye Ozay
    IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023
  2. efe_gaze.png
    EFE: End-to-End Frame-To-Gaze Estimation
    Haldun Balim, Seonwook Park, Xi Wang, Xucong Zhang, and Otmar Hilliges
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, Jun 2023
  3. filtering.png
    Can Transformers Learn Optimal Filtering for Unknown Systems?
    Haldun Balim*, Zhe Du*, Samet Oymak, and Necmiye Ozay
    Jun 2023


  1. Automated Diagnosis of Keratoconus from Corneal Topography
    Ayse Yildiz Tas, Murat Hasanreisoglu, Haldun Balim, Mehmet Gönen, and Afsun Sahin
    Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, Jun 2021


  1. rnn_int_det.png
    Recurrent Neural Network-Based Intention Estimation Frameworks for Power-Assisted Manual Wheelchair Users: A Feasibility Study
    Haldun Balim, Mahsa Khalili, Calvin Kuo, Van der Loos H.F. Machiel, and Jamie Borisoff F.
    International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) Workshops, Jun 2020


  1. fontan.png
    In vitro validation of a self-driving aortic-turbine venous-assist device for Fontan patients
    Kerem Pekkan, Ibrahim Basar Aka, Ece Tutsak, Erhan Ermek, Haldun Balim, Ismail Lazoglu, and Riza Turkoz
    The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Jun 2018